Tuesday, 20 July 2010

So it’s funny where your mind takes you some days…. This morning I’m 3 weeks out from my A race, well I say A race it’s my only race of the year. It’s fairly safe to say that the last few months of my journey to complete another Iron distance event has not been a bundle of laughs both personally, professionally, and athletically (I use that last term rather loosely J). So where am I? My swimming is a dire as it has ever been, my running is 40 – 50 seconds per km off where I want to be (but weirdly I can hold the pace I want depending on my state of mind), I’m going to be become a dad in around 5 weeks, I’m going through another shitty divorce, in the middle of selling one of our 2 houses (yay paying 2 mortgages rocks… ) my coach and I no longer see things the same way and as such I’ve lost all confidence in my ability to perform, oh and work are laying people off left right and centre…. BUT…. Come August 8th (barring any early baby arrivals J) I’m still gonna rock up to the start line with a big smile on my face, survive the swim, smack the bike (in a I’m just going to enjoy every one of the 112 miles on my TT bike sorta way), and run the marathon (maybe walk the aid stations…. who knows J)…. I will cross that finish line with the same smile that took me across IMUK last year…. Because it’s just a race, it’s just an event which I enjoy and nobody setting unrealistic goals (which appear to be for a sub 11 hour athlete), or someone who was a blip in my life can take away from what I do and really enjoy…. To me it is another training day, on every training day I have my goals, my times I want to beat, that hill I want to keep my heart rate down and still make it to the top, that person in the other lane that I just want to glide past effortlessly…. So I’ll put aside my fear of letting all my family and friends down and I will just enjoy the day…. This is not the biggest moment in my 2010….. but I will take some amazing things from this year, I’ve met and worked with some amazing people, who have kept me focused and who I now view as friends, I am looking forward towards post August learning to run faster, getting better on the bike… who knows I may even start going to some of the Triathlon club swims…. I don’t have anything planned for next year race wise…. But I know the next 12 months are going to be about fun…. Body wise I’ve never felt so good… but mentally I need a reset…. So this is it 45 minutes done of running with my dog it’s now 6:45, and only one squirrel chased (bad Maggie), oh and seriously that jam sandwich pre-run really helps

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